El aparcamiento puede suponer un verdadero quebradero de cabeza para muchos a la hora de llegar a su lugar de alojamiento.
En nuestro caso disponemos de varias zonas de aparcamiento al rededor del casco viejo y de la Rua Mayor. Todas y cada una de estas zonas estan a escasos metros de los apartamentos sin ningun problema de acceso ni de movilidad.
Aquí abajo os dejamos un pequeño mapa indicando donde se sitúan y que recorrido hay.
Una vez estacionado el coche llega la hora de la recogida de llaves. Para ello, disponemos de un sistema que se basa en llaveros con contraseña. A cada inquilino se le dará una contraseña con la cual podrá acceder al cajetín que contiene la llave tanto de su apartamento como de la entrada principal.
A la hora de dejar el alojamiento no tendrá más que depositar la llave dentro y volver a cerrar el cajetín colocando las rueditas de la contraseña en 0000.
A rich heritage in the heart of luviana
Luviana’s hitory begins in 1809 when a rich man named John Douglas bought a huge piece of land to fulfilled his father’s will…
Luviana has a rich history with many interesting facts and occasions that had an impact on its establishment. But through the whole period of its formation Luviana was always liked by visitors.
Luviana’s hitory begins in 1809 when a rich man named John Douglas bought a huge piece of land to fulfilled his father’s will – to build the place where people can relax and forget about their problems. From 1852 the active works on this area took place and till 1863 the building was finished. Name of the hotel originated from John’s mother’s name.
Since that time the hotel never lost its popularity and only developed and increased in sizes. It is renovated annually and the current owners care about the building conditions as well as timely renewal. There is a special place at our hotel where you can go through all steps of Luviana establishment and get new knowledge.
Meet the professionals
Lorione Apartamentos
Rua Mayor, 30
31390 Olite
Tel: +34 691 60 43 86